"Mpeg Decoder" tab

You can tune internal MPEG decoder here.

Enable planar YUV media types (VY12, I420, IYUY) - will try to use colorspaces which will give you the best performance.

Always display forced subtitles - If have some Chinese or Japanese DVD and can't turn off subtitles through menu - turn this option off. You will be able to see them again only if you turn again this option on.

Deinterlacing method - method of deinterlacing - the best quality gives you the "Blend" option, but this is the slowest one. You can leave it "Auto".

Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation - no need in comments for people who know English.

Y: 16-235 -> 0-255 - extends the range of brightness from 16-235 to 0-255. There are many DVDs which are compressed with limitation of brightness (I really don't know why). This option allows you to solve this problem.

 ©2003-2005 YDY  |  Translated by Fireball